Workshop and Conference Organisations

Why Mount Spiral

Mount Spiral has helped organise over a hundred workshops and conferences in the past two decades, with events ranging from 100 to 2000 guests. We know what is involved, what is required, the variety of potentials, opportunities and how best to help clients organize the event they want..

At Mount Spiral, takes care of as much as possible to create a well-planned and organized event as well as reduce client’sanxiety and stress. With a good idea of delegate behaviour, of what works and what doesn’t, we know how to simplify the processes involved in organising a successful conference. We aim to bear the logistical burden while enabling clients to make crucial decisions and focus on the intellectual aspects of the conference..

We usee bespoke softwares designed specifically for the normal format of social science conference, and radically overhauled in the past couple of years to fit contemporary needs.Workshop seminars and conferences offer a chance to meet with colleagues in the field, to present and exchange research and ideas, to get acquainted with the scope of the field or the depth of a theme..

Mount Spiral has proven its dedication and resourcefulness to the field of Management Sciences by creating and reinforcing cross-border links and partnerships. Weplays a leading role in enablingnetworking and the exchange of information also furthering education by coordinating workshops, meetings and conferences globally.

Our service covers face-to-face (f2f), online/virtual and hybrid events.

Let’s Network

The popularity of conferences and seminars results from the distinct benefits they offer. delegates pre-qualify themselves as prospects; if they weren't interested in the issue being deliberated, they wouldn't attend. You get to talk with them face-to-face, both formally during presentations and informally during breaks, meals, and receptions. As a speaker, you are automatically classified as an expert. Outside speakers can add authority and drawing power. Because seminars can run from a few hours to several days, they can be adapted to a wide array of subject matter and contexts. In combination with outbound telemarketing, the offer of a quality conference is an effective tool for multiplying the number of qualified prospects for your products and services. The main aim of a training workshop is that the participants, in line with their needs, reinforce what they have learned through reflection and discussions focussed on the shared concepts and methodologies.Its great advantage is that it can develop in a group and participative atmosphere. This allows space for exchanging experiences and thus stimulating varied learning.

Why Does Event Planning Matter?

Events create opportunities for people to connect with an area, spend time together, celebrate and experience the diversity of cultures and foster creativity and innovation.Events contribute significantly to community building, lifestyle and leisure enhancement, cultural development, tourism promotion and increased visitation, volunteer participation, fundraising and economic development. Event Planning is a course of formulating, communicating, and implementing a more operational roadmap to direct decisions, actions, and policies. It should align with the strategic plan and assist in its implementation. It provides a blueprint to guide actions and is continually modified as conditions change, and new opportunities or threats emerge. These Plans are typically created to guide the internal operations of an enterprise and summarise its operational and financial objectives for the near future and to indicate how these objectives will be achieved and monitored. While it is primarily targeted at guiding regular operations, it also is adaptable to account for new opportunities and challenges

Covid-19 and Event Planning

Since the start of the pandemic Mount Spiral has delivered a number of online workshops and conferences, from half-day webinars to full-scale conferences, some taking place over three or four full days, others stretched over a fortnight of core hours. We have used Google Meet and Zoom as our main video platforms; sometimes used conference platform wrappers such as Telegram and Pheedloop to provide networking options. We envisage that the demand for online events will continue, and we continue to review the platforms in use in the conference sector (and beyond). However, as the pandemic restrictions ease, there will be a resurgence in face-to-face (f2f) events. At the same time, not wanting to lose the observable accessibility and diversity benefits of online events, the new conference format will be hybrid. These are even more of a challenge to produce, as they require organising two events over the top of each other, entailing 50% more labour than either physical or online-only, and needing a lot more technology in the venue. By the end of 2022 we should have extensive knowledge of what it takes to put on such a fully hybrid conference.